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Our Commitment to You


At Ability Builders, we find particular pride in ensuring that we are able to serve you, your child and your whole family in the best way we know how! We will answer your questions or we will direct it you to a person who can. 


In this area, you will find helpful links to your child's development and interesting articles from our group of experts. 


The early years of a child’s life are very important.  They grow quickly and have so much to learn.  Some children and their families face special challenges that might require professional assistance. 


As a parent you are the most important person in your child’s life.  Think of your child and how he or she is growing.  You know your child best.  You notice things like how and when your child smiles, sits up, walks, talks, or holds a cup.


What you are sensing is how your child is growing through the different developmental stages.  When a child has a delay in development, services are available to help you.


Click on the image above for more information on COVID-19 


We are currently battling the effects of COVID-19 outbreak. It is important to be able to obtain good information that will protect your children and your whole family. Please click on this link for the latest information available to us. Please call us at 718-239-8239 x 8090 for more information.





Mon-Fri 8:30am - 6pm

Learn the Signs. Act Early. Center for Disease Control Developmental Milestones Checklist>

Parent's Guide to Embedded Coaching from the

New York City Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene>

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